Feb 3, 2013

Social Media And The Sweet Potato

The Carver Way - Looking at Social Media Differently
Sweet Potato
PhotoMania - Sweet Potato
At a recent Toastmasters Club Meeting – club member Eric Spence began his speech by holding up the biggest sweet potato that I had ever seen, and asking “..what do you see”?   As a southerner my initial thought was  - “..a pad of butter”.  Eric followed up by asking …”do you see synthetic rubber”.  Still wandering in thought - I said to myself “..and some brown sugar…”.  Eric once again asked our group – “…do you see postage stamp glue, dye, paste or even ink?”  Still lost in my own thoughts  I internally responded “…Nope – I see an oven set at 375 degrees for about 40 minutes -which should just about do it... .Wait a minute….glue?”  Seeming to read my mind Eric proclaimed to all “Yes, …glue”.  

He went on to explain how Dr. George Washington Carver, born a slave would overcome this lowly status to become a world renowned Research Scientist.  He had achieved in life by hardwork and by applying his unique way of viewing the natural world.   A view of not what was, but how nature could be used to create something that could be.  Seeing the world this way, Dr. Carver’s lifetime work would eventually include over 117 applications for sweet potatoes, 300 applications for peanuts, along with several other inventions.

Dr. Carver - using PhotoMania
Eric suggested that what made Dr. Carver successful was what Eric called “The Carver Way”.   For you see Dr. Carver possessed the ability to see how nature could be applied differently.   He viewed without having his perception bound by how tradition dictated that an item had to be used.    Unlike traditional scientists of his day – Dr. Carver would make intuitive application leaps.  Scientists are supposed to use research methods based upon empirical and measurable evidence.   Using the Scientific Method – cause and effect are carefully tested and thereby hopefully resulting in incremental application progress.   On the other hand, Dr. Carver’s approach to research was much more intuitive.    While Dr. Carver would use observation, his unique ability to visualize new applications would result in intuitive jumps in creativity.   An accomplished painter as well, Dr. Carver’s perception of the world was unique.   Decades before the artist Andy Warhol’s “32 Campbell Soup Cans”, challenged our sense of perception of everyday items, Dr. Carver encouraged us to perceive new applications for the common sweet potato. I took away from this excellent presentation not only a newfound appreciation for Dr. Carver’s work, but, also for those who have the ability to see the world differently.  An appreciation for those who could envision not only new social applications; but also new ways that they could be used to connect users.  

Back in the beginning of the Web, who would have thought that a student peer grading system could eventually become Social network with millions of Fans?  Alternatively, that a very character limited texting method – could become a tweeting rage?   Back then, how many could have imagined a digital network that eventually would socially link professionals on a global scale?  That a business would embrace any application or technique with a Social in its title.

Social Media applications were created by those who could see things differently and imagine what could be, not by what was.  This is why I become concerned when I see traditional approaches being presented as “new” Social Media strategies.   
Techniques such as banner or sponsored ads are just a few examples of traditional push marketing.   No different from the billboard along side of the road, they assume that the user will drop what they are doing, link and coming running.      I wonder if some applications are chosen because it is what marketers are a more traditionally familiar.   I am also concerned that the Social Media is becoming limited by what people think it should and not what it could be.  

What if we were to view Social Media in “The Carver Way”?   Maybe it is time we look at Social Media differently.   To come up with ways that truly engage instead of simply push and pulls users.  Let us not get our perceptions locked into “375 degrees at 40 minutes…” …let us embrace a “Carver Way”.  To again envision what could and not what it traditonally should be.
I invite you to share with us what you feel are innovative ways of using Social Media in business.   Moreover, thanks to Eric, I hope you will never look at a sweet potato the same way again….


  1. My innovative approach to social media is doing it while I am walking on a treadmill. These walking (treadmill) desks are something I have begun to manufacture and will begin selling this month www.drmcbabe.com

    Social Network while walking on a treadmill and its like going for a walk with a good friend.

  2. Definitely a good way to be creative and healthy....checked out your site...Good looking site with very good product pictures. What a great idea!!!
